“Use the spray 3 times a day when you have a runny nose.”
“Thanks! What should I do if I develop a fever?”
Whether you want to review private information, request personal guidance, book confidential appointments, update personal details, have a secure online chat or a private video conference, GoBetween is the safest, most convenient and cost-effective way to access and exchange sensitive data.
A doctor wants to discuss a patient diagnosis with one of his colleagues, who is more expert in the field. Using GoBetween, the doctor can seek help simply by attaching the relevant patient notes, together with (for example) an X-ray and messaging his colleague.
Likewise, his colleague can view and respond in a similarly confidential manner, with no data ever leaving the secure message "bubble" between the two colleagues.
All communications between the sending and receiving parties is notified through innocuous messages, simply informing that messages are waiting for them in their portal. Logging into their accounts can be from any device, allowing both parties to see the message and accompanying information, and respond accordingly.